Western Sahara

The invasion of Western Sahara resounds in the desert. The last African colony annexed by Morocco awaits a referendum to become independent. Meanwhile, nearly 200,000 Saharawis went into exile, almost 50 years ago, in the refugee camps of Tindouf, in southern Algeria. From the heart of the desert they hope to return to their land.

Two women performs their typical during the celebrations for the 43rd anniversary of the begins of Saharawis independence movement in the wilaya of Auserd, Tinduf, Algeria, May 2016. In 1973, five Sahrawi from the “Polisary Front” attacked the border control of Janquet Quesat´s to release to El Ouali, leader of the Independence movement.

Laayoune - العيون


Tindouf - تندوف

A girl holds a heart-shaped necklace with the Saharawi flag painted on it, in the wilaya of Laayoune,Tindouf, Algeria, May 2016. The first measure taken in the Tindouf refugee camps was to separate them into provinces, called wilayas. Each wilaya have the name of a city in Western Sahara - Laayoune, Smara, Dakhla and Auserd - which in turn are divided into daïras, municipalities, which are divided into hays, neighborhoods.

Women watch the 43 anniversary celebration of the Sahrawi independence in the wilaya of Auserd, Tindouf, Algeria, May 2016. The total population of the Tindouf refugee camps is estimated at 165,000 persons.

A man covers his head with a turban at Center of the Woman in the wilaya of Laayoune, Tindouf, Algeria.

Remains of a construction in the wilaya of Laayoune, Tindouf, Argelia, May 2016.

Western Sahara is a project developed for the Danish School of Media and Journalism and edited by Alixandra Fazzina during the “Final project workshop”. This work won the José Luis Cabezas scholarship by Editorial Perfil.
All rights reserved by Mario De Fina


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