
My grandmother Antonia Retta left her hometown Senise, in Italy, at age 30. I went back to the town 55 years later to understand through photography the reasons of the her emigration, the power of the memory and rediscover my personal history.

A replica of the Statue of Liberty stands in a town near Senise, Italy, February 2016.

" I love you" written in a wall in Senise, Italy, February 2016.

A picture of me as a baby, with my father and my mother in my grandparents’ house in Banfield, Buenos Aires at 1990´s. I discovered this picture for first time in an old album in Senise, Italy.

Birds fly during the sunset in Senise, Italy, February 2016.

Senise is a project developed for the Danish School of Media and Journalism and edited by Kent Klich during the “Visual project workshop”.
All rights reserved by Mario De Fina


Memories of the Pacific War: Bolivia yeans the sea.


Western Sahara: the forgotton war of the last african colony.