Andean Nomads

In the Neuquen province, over the Andes mountains and in the limit with the chilean border, hundreds of nomads families keep alive the ancient practice of transhumance. The water decrease due to climate change accelerates the journey that they have to start before the first snowfalls.

This project was published by Anadolu Agency

A passing rain in Neuquen, Argentina, March 2022.

1-    Demetrio Miyape jumps a wire fence as he prepares to load his animals to a truck in their way to his winter home during the transhumance, Neuquén, Argentina, March 2022.

A transhumant with his horse in Neuquén, Argentina, March 2022.

Transhumants move the cattle during the transhumance in Neuquén, Argentina, March 2022.

Rosendo Rodríguez smokes a cigarette during the sunset as he waits for the next morning to start the load of animals into trucks, Neuquén, Argentina, March 2022.

All rights reserved by Mario De Fina.


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